Bluegrass Jam with Jim and Lynn

The Bluegrass Jam with Jim and Lynn is held on Fridays, noon – 4 p.m.

Midday Music Schedule
Bring your instrument and join Jim Purcell and Lynn Wolf for a fun afternoon of toe-tapping tunes, songs, and sharing in the Friday afternoon bluegrass jam!

All participating musicians must sign in before playing, and follow all Covid-related rules.

  • Musicians must certify that they do not have symptoms of Covid, and in the last five days, have not come into contact with a person who has Covid.
  • Musicians will need to maintain distance between each other.
  • No more than 8 musicians are allowed in the band at one time.

Musicians will need to take turns so that everyone gets a chance to play.

In addition, as a musician in the jam, you are acting as a volunteer for the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation and the National Park Service, and will be required to sign in and agree to rules of conduct.

Please note that these rules are in place to help keep safe and healthy. If the infection rates continue to increase, we may have to impose more restrictions or discontinue the jam.